Actor couple Jeevitha and Rajasekhar who are known to be anti Chiranjeevi and pro Y S Rajasekhar Reddy camp have announced on Friday that they are quitting Y S R Congress. Jeevitha and Rajasekhar had quit Congress party soon after Chiranjeevi announced the merger of PRP in Congress. They had then declared their support to Y S Jagan. But Rajasekhar alleged that Jagan had humiliated them both recently and hence they decided to stay away from him. They also claimed that they too have doubts on Jagan Mohan Reddy's corruption and blackmoney which is why they want to stay away from him.
"Recently when Y S Jagan held Jaladeeksha at Vijayawada, we both went there. After that when there was deeksha at New Delhi, Jagan asked both of us not to come. We didn't understand why he said that. After a few days he told me that people got diverted at Vijayawada deeksha looking at me in Jeans trousers and hence asked me to stay away from politics. I found it silly. We also feel that he is corrupt politician and decided to stay away from him. As of now we are not joining any political party. We had earlier only told that Chiranjeevi can't run a party. Our prediction came true" Rajasekhar said at a media conference he held in Friday.
Article Involves:: Jeevitha, Rajasekhar , Chiranjeevi
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