Energetic star Nandamuri Kalyanram who has scored hits with movies like ‘Athanokkade’ ‘Hare Ram’ is currently busy with his new venture. News is that the movie has reached its final schedule and this is being made under NTR Arts banner. The apple pie beauty Hansika is pairing up with Kalyan in this one and this will mark the debut of Naren as the director. The film is said to be made with high technical values and heavy star cast. Story- dialogues – B V S N Ravi, music – Thaman S, Photography- Dasaradhi Sivendra, Fights- Vijay, Editing – Gautham Raju, Art- Rajeev Nayyar. The film is being produced by Kalyanram himself and he would be seen in a different role this time.
Article Involves:: Kalyanram