The shooting of Balakrishna starrer ‘Parama Veera Chakra’, the prestigious 150th film of Dasari Narayana Rao and produced by C Kalyan on the banner of Teja Cinema was complete and presently post production formalities are in brisk progress.The producer is making efforts to release the film on January 12 next year as Sankranti gift. The unit had earlier decided to release the audio on December 21 but due to the ongoing strike in the Tollywood, the audio launch was postponed.Producer C Kalyan says, ‘We are going to launch the audio at Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad on December 29.
We had invited almost all the top film personalities of the Telugu film industry including, senior directors Viswanath,Bapu,Balachandar,K Raghavendra Rao besides all the top heroines, and top producers. Balakrishna is playing dual roles as an Army officer and as a film hero in this movie and he is going to romance with Amisha Patel,Neha Dhupia besides Sheela.Manisharma reportedly scored fantastic tunes for the movie.
Article Involves:: Nandamuri BalaKrishna, Dasari Narayana Rao, C Kalyan, K Viswanath, Bapu, K Balachandar, K Raghavendra Rao, Amisha Patel, Neha Dhupia, Sheela , Mani Sharma