That the Gemini Film Circuit has bought the remake rights (in Telugu and Tamil) of '3 Idiots' from Vidhu Vinodh Chopra for a whopping Rs. 15 cr. is too well-known. As soon as the news broke out a day ago, there was widespread anticipation that the producers were keen on considering roping in Pawan Kalyan to play Aamir Khan's role in the Telugu remake version.
Though the name of Mahesh Babu has also been doing the rounds, industry sources believe that the film is finally going into the lap of the Jalsa star. It is not known as to who is directing the film.Since the Hindi original is creating a record of sorts at the Indian box office, it has naturally been described as the biggest film in terms of collections in the history of Indian cinema. Gemini, with a hands-on experience in successfully adapting the first Munnabhai film with Chiranjeevi in the lead some years ago, bid no time in securing the remake rights for an incredible amount.
Pawan, who is presently in the city, it is said, is willing to be cast in the film with a subtle message. Also, Surya is said to be the one playing the same role in the Tamil version. Watch this space for more on this!
Article Involves:: Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh Babu, Chiranjeevi, Surya