Aadi, son of Dialogue King Saikumar, made his debut as hero through ‘Prema Kavali’ directed by K Vijayabhaskar, presented by RR Movie Makers and produced by K Atchireddy on the banner of Max India Productions and the film is running successfully with a hit talk.There was a positive talk from all centres where the film was released.Especially, the film is attracting the youth very much.The film was exclusively screened for the benefits of NCC cadets and the NCC chief director AS Bahel watched the movie along with the cadets.Speaking on the occasion, Bahel says,
‘The film is excellent. Especially, the way the director portrayed an NCC cadet through the hero is superb.This film would really be inspirational to all the students.I compliment the producer for making such a nice film.’Director says, ‘I am very happy that all the NCC officers watching the movie and complimenting it as a nice movie.We are receiving the same kind of response from the regular audiences. Though Aadi faced the camera for the first time, he did a nice job.’Hero Aadi says, ‘Besides love and entertainment, the film also had a message.We are dedicating the film to the NCC cadets.’Saikumar says, ‘I myself is an NCC cadet and I was the captain to over 100 cadets in 1980.’
Article Involves:: Aadi, Sai Kumar, Vijay Bhaskar K, K Atchi Reddy