The much awaited audio of Ram Charan’s latest flick Orange was launched at Shilpakala Vedika, Hyderabad. The audio function was graced by many celebrities from the industry. Megastar Chiranjeevi including his family made their presence at the audio launch. Ram Charan and Genelia were not present for the audio launch as they were busy in shooting with the balance songs in this film.
The audio was launched by D. Ramanaidu and he handed over the first audio CD to Chiranjeevi.The event was a grand gala with many celebrities gracing the event. Ram Charan who can’t make his presence made his own style of attendance for audio launch. Speaking through teleconference he says I am missing this wonderful event which is celebrated in between my fans. On talking about the hero of the day Harris Jairaj music has come out very well and I am a great fan of him. The also praised director Bhaskar for his hard work and commitment in making the film.
Movie Moghal D. Ramanaidu was felicitated by Chiranjeevi on receiving Dada Saheb Phalke award. Megastar Chiranjeevi on talking about the film says “Ram Charan was very much tensed after doing Magadheera. He didn’t know what to do to match up the expectations on the follow up film for Magadheera. I gave him a piece of advice with all my experience. He too has his own ideas. Finally, he decided to do a lighter vein film and then Orange happened.
Orange’s script is excellent. It is a good love story with all the necessary ingredients that are must in a commercial film. Orange has terrific fights, superb songs. Orange audio will be a huge hit. This is my gut feeling after hearing these songs. Every song composed by Harris Jairaj is excellent. The producer of the film Naga babu says the film will definitely hit the screens in Nov.And we are making all the efforts to do so.
Allu Arjun who graced the event says” Ram Charan seems to be like a Bollywood star in this film. He also added that if Charan makes his entry into Bollywood then the stars in B Town will have a serious competition from him.
The event was graced by Dr. D. Ramanaidu, K Raghavendra Rao, Nagababu, Bhaskar, Allu Arjun, Rana, Allu Arvind, KS Rama Rao, KL Narayana, Bhogavalli Prasad, Sai Dharam Tej, Harris Jairaj, Anand Sai, VV Vinayak, Boyapati Seenu, DVV Danayya, Gemini Kiran, Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, Brahmanandam, Ali, Venu Madhav etc.
Article Involves:: Ram Charan Teja, Chiranjeevi, Genelia, D RamaNaidu, Harris Jayaraj, "Bommarillu" Bhaskar , Nagendra Babu, Allu Arjun, K Raghavendra Rao, Daggubati Rana, Allu Aravind, K S Rama Rao, Dr K L Narayana, Bhogavalli prasad, Sai Dharma Teja, Harris Jayaraj, B Anand Sai, V V Vinayak, Boyapati Kameshwar Rao, D V V Danayya, Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, Brahmanandam , Ali, Venu Madhav