Kannada actress Haripriya is playing a role in the flick 'Leader'. However there was lot of speculation about her role since the movie already had two heroines. It was announced that Priya Anand and new face Richa Gangopadhyay will play the heroines in the movie. Now the news is that Haripriya is only playing a cameo in the movie. The male lead will be played by Daggubati Rana who is making his debut with this flick. It seems like many envy the new hero who gets to act with three beauties at the same time in his first flick. The icing on the cake is, the director of the movie is the maverick Sekhar Kammula. Good luck to Rana on this one and get ready for the beautiful Haripriya folks.
Article Involves:: Hari priya, Priya Anandh, Richa Gangopadhyay