Damarukam is considered as prestigious film in the career of Nagarjuna. Fresh from refreshing ‘Gaganam’ and mass ‘Ragada’ this would be once again an important flick for Akkineni hero joining the comedy director Srinivas Reddy.Apparently heroine Anushka skipped the grand launch of movie and every where this has become a discussion of sorts.Anushka considered as close buddy to Nagarjuna is off late loosing her glamour with increasing flab on wrong areas. Film industry insiders murmured that anushka is out on a secret weight reduction program to return back with sharp curves, attractive physique for Nag and that’s the reason why she bunked the function.
While some other sources mentioned that anushka is presently busy shooting of Prabhas ‘Rebel’ and so skipped the occasion. What ever may be the reason, audience invite anushka into ‘Damarukam’ with her amazing oomph as what she displayed in her first flick ‘Super.’ With Nagarjuna and Anushka as a team, there could be no dearth for glamour…folks.
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nagarjuna, Srinivasa Reddy (I), Anushka, Prabhas