Ramgopal Varma who is making several films in a row had earlier announced his next film 'Amma' which will be made in 3D format.He announced that this film will be made in Hindi too.The shooting for this movie will start next month. It is believed to be a film with huge budget in which majority of them will be stars from Bollywood.Meanwhile,Varma's Katha Screenplay Darsakatvam Appala Raju is ready for release and his Dongalamuta also completed its shooting. Silencing the critics who ridiculed him in Mumbai,Varma wants to make a comeback in Bollywood with 'Department' with Amitabh Bachchan,Abhishek Bachchan and Sanjay Dutt.The shooting for this Bollywood film will start in June this year.
Article Involves:: Ram Gopal Varma, Amitabh Bachan, Abhishek Bachchan