Nikhil & Madalasa starrer ‘Aalasyam Amrutham’ directed by Chandra Mahesh and produced by Dr D Ramanaidu on the banner of Suresh Productions is most likely to be released next month. It is worth mentioning here that the audio was released into the market recently through the hands of Venkatesh and Rana. Koti scored music for the flick.
The post-production works of the movie are currently in progress at a fast pace. The movie, which is said to be a romantic entertainer, deals with a couple, whose train got delayed due to unforeseen circumstances and the director narrated an interesting story as to how the delay turned a boon in the lives of those couple.
Article Involves:: Nikhil Siddharth, Madalasa Sharma, Chandhra Mahesh, D RamaNaidu, Koti