Andhra Pradesh Producer’s Council has organized a meeting in order to discuss the possibilities of cutting down the production costs. The council has taken a bold step by stopping the shooting of 6 big films that are about to start its shootings. The movies include Venkatesh’s Nagamalli (remake of Apta Rakshaka), Ram Charan – Dharani’s film, Ram – Surender Reddy’s film, Sumanth – Colors Swathi movie, Dil Raju – Prabhas and Suresh Babu’s another film.
The producer’s council has also discussed about the unprofessional attitude of the top comedian Brahmanandam. He is said to be ordering food for his entire family from ‘Ohri’s Restaurant’ and handing the bill to producers and is also said to be using the ‘company vehicle’ liberally and handing the conveyance bill to the producers. The producer’s council also has taken decision to cut down the huge remunerations of few stars.
Article Involves:: Venkatesh, Ram Charan, Ram, Surender Reddy, Dharani, Sumanth, Colours Swathi, Dil Raju, Prabhas, Suresh Babu, Brahmanandam