Venkatesh's next film Namo Venkatesa, relesing for Sankranthi, has reportedly cost a whopping sum according to some soures. It's budget is put at Rs. 24 cr and is said to have cost more than any other Venky film. By far, Devi Putrudu released almost a decade ago is said to be the costliest film in the actor's career.
Though there has been no official declaration of the costs gone into making this film, Namo Venkatesha will look rich is what everyone is saying. Produced by 14 Reels Entertainment and presented by Suresh Productions, Venky has a prestigious project in his kitty now.
Starring Trisha and Brahmanandam, the film has music by Devi Sri Prasad. Currently, the unit is in Hyderabad, shooting for three songs. With this, the talkie part will be over and post- production works will go on. Director Sreenu Vaitla must be having his fingers crossed, because he has huge expectations on him for having delivered consecutive hits in the form of 'Dhee', 'Ready' and 'King'.
Article Involves:: Venkatesh, Trisha, Brahmanandam , Devisri Prasad, Sreenu Vaitla