Ragada is the confirmed title for Nagarjuna’s latest film in the direction of Veeru Potla. Producer Siva Prasad Reddy arranged a press meet to announce the same. It was attended by Nagarjuna, Veeru Potla, D Siva Prasad reddy, Anushka, Priyamani, Brahmanandam, Sarvesh Murari, AS Prakash etc.
Nagarjuna said, “I preview logo of Ragada in my twitter account yesterday and the response has been terrific. I used to eat Ragada Samosa at chat stall when I was a kid. I came to know that Ragada means godava while growing up. If you notice lyrics of Jagada Jagada song from Geetanjali, you will notice Ragada word and Gaganam word. Both these words are being kept as titles for upcoming my movies. Ragada is a kind of entertainer like Hello Brother and Allari Alludu. I saw Bindaas movie and gave the direction offer to Veeru Potla. Passionate and talented people like Veeru Potla will always be recognized in Telugu film industry.
Music director Thaman gave good music. We are shooting Ragada movie in Petra, Jordon which is recently announced as the eighth wonder in the world. I am very excited to go to Petra. December has been my lucky month and this movie will be releasing in December 2010. I am doing the role of a man who runs market yard in Kadapa. My dialogue delivery will be in Rayalaseema dialect in this movie.”
Producer Siva Prasad Reddy said, “Ragada is a mass entertainer. Shooting of the movie is complete but for climax and a couple of days work. We will go to New Zealand to shoot a part of the movie in the first week of November. Music will be launched int he first week of November and film will be released on 17 December.”
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nagarjuna, Veeru Potla, Anushka, Priyamani, D Siva Prasad Reddy, Charmi, Thaman S, Brahmanandam , A S Prakash, Sarvesh Murari