Venkatesh-starrer Namo Venkatesha was recently announced to be releasing on the eve of Pongal. As D Suresh Babu has to keep his promise, the producers of 14 Reels, which is the co-producer, is taking all steps to proceed with filming at a brisk pace.Recently, we knew that the film canned some scenes at Shamshabad International Airport. Having done that, it has made its way into Sarathi Studios where some some talkie will be shot on Venkatesh and Trisha.
As is already known, the film has Brahmanandam playing Paris Prasad and is touted to be a comedy and romantic entertainer.Sreenu Vaitla's fans are eager to watch his presentation of Victory Venkatesh, who has a large fan following among the family audience. Titled sacredly as Namo Venkatesha, it is hoped that it will be humorous and good-spirited and a clean one.The film will soon proceed for post-production work.
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Article Involves:: Venkatesh, Daggubati Suresh Babu , Trisha, Brahmanandam , Sreenu Vaitla