The first copy of the Telugu dubbed version of ‘Guru En Alu’, directed by Selva and produced by KRG Movies International, a Tamil movie, featuring Madhavan and Mamata Mohandas in the lead, is ready with the title ‘Preyasi’.D Balaji had bagged the Telugu dubbing rights for the movie. The dubbing process was complete and the first copy is also ready by now.The music of the Telugu version was also released into the market recently through Supreme Audio.
The producer is making efforts to release the film very soon.Balaji says, ‘Madhavan is a well-known artiste among the Telugu audiences and Mamata Mohandas is also popular in Telugu as an artiste as well as singer. We are confident that the film would do well at the Box Office.’
Article Involves:: Madhavan, Mamta Mohandas, Selva, D Balaji