Incessant rain in Hyderabad has played spoilsport by disturbing the film shooting in various parts of Hyderabad. Currently at least five movies are being shot in Hyderabad including Sumanth’s new movie for Kumar Brothers, Siddharth’s ‘180’ and Ravi Teja’s ‘Don Seenu’.
Most of the movies are shooting outdoors and had to stop shooting intermittently. ‘Don Seenu’ is scheduled to release in the first week of August and hence will mostly work overtime to compensate the loss of man hours.
And probably a bad start for the ‘180’ team that started shooting only recently. Facing rains wouldn’t have been in their agenda but they would have allotted a few days for such incidents. Let us hope the rain gods show mercy on the filmy world yet satisfy the water needs of the people of Andhra Pradesh!
Article Involves:: Sumanth, Kumar Brothers, Siddharth, Ravi Teja