Nagarjuna is all set to entertain the Tami audience after a long time with his first direct Tamil movie ‘Payanam’. The softy specialist Radha Mohan is venturing into his first action flick with this film. We hear that the producer has planned to spend almost 25% of the film’s budget on SFX and graphics. The reason for this is that the film will be shot indoor with extensive use of chromo keying, say the sources.
More over the team has decided to make use of the latest version of Red One camera or a D-21 that is being used in Hollywood movies including ‘Slumdog Millionaire’.Other than Nagarjuna, the film will have Prakash Raj in a key role which tries to justify terrorism to the hero. Radha Mohan feels that Prakash Raj’s character is very special and is something that is not seen till now.
According to the sources, though the film will have a mild influence of the Taliban’s Kandahar flight hijack drama, it will be made in such a way that it doesn’t bring back the horror memories. As the unit could not get all the permissions to shoot inside the airports the ‘Payanam’ is all prepared to be shot inside a created airport set. Radha Mohan is starting the film’s shoot by the end of Jan 2010, they say.
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nagarjuna, Prakash Raj, Radhamohan