Dimple Star Vishnu Manchu is all set to hit the screens this season with his romantic comedy 'Vasthadu Naa Raju'. His movie Saleem that released an year ago in the midst of Telangana storm didn't meet his expectations. The star promises to undo that what Saleem did to his career with this flick."This film has reel load of comedy and is a complete paisa vasool.It is a comedy of errors that is meant to entertain the audience.I have seen the film and we almost achieved what we set out to do.I am confident I will bounce back. A few years ago, I made Dhee which was a blockbuster that started the genre of romantic & comedy movie's in Telugu cinema.
Vastadu Naa Raju is certainly an extension of it. This movie means everything to me " says the actor who is seen as kick boxer in this hilarious love entertainer.He is one of the very few stars in tinsel town who has no qualms talking about his previous flops.Quiz him what went wrong with Saleem and any lessons learnt?"I never enjoyed working for Saleem.I have learnt how to not to make a film. I should have walked out on the tenth day of making that film.The minute you don't enjoy what you are doing, you must walk out of it. I have learnt it the hard and the expensive way" Vishnu says candidly.
His latest film also marks Vishnu's debut as producer too. His family already has another production house. What was the need to start another production house?"My family owns Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures which has been making films for a long time. But when I thought of making Vastadu Naa Raju, they were busy making 'Jhummandi Nadham' in which my brother Manoj is the lead. Since I had to start my project immediately, I had no other go but to start 24 Frames Factory, my own production house. We will make two films an year with lead heros in the industry. My dad gave me independence in making this movie and it was quite a learning curve" he quips.Hailing from a film family, Vishnu is quite aware of the economics involved in cinema. At a time when producers are crying foul on skyrocketing budgets, Vishnu is nonchalant and is gearing up to make more movies from his production house. He says one needs to understand this business to produce films.
" Not taking a risk is the biggest risk in life.I grew up watching film making and we had a production house since when I was a kid. I was a production manager in my own production house. I have the know how of what goes into making a film.The problem is with producers who think they can make a movie just because they have money. Film industry needs professional and passionate movie makers. For a person to be a journalist, doctor or lawyer, there is professional study that is involved. We need film schools in Tollywood that skill local talent. Unfortunately we are not investing in the future, I see a bleak future in industry.There are 45 heroes in Tollywood but how many directors do we have who are bankable? We are in a bankrupt situation. I plan to start a film school in Tollywood soon" he declares.
This six footer actor has been living out of suitcase for quite some time with his foreign trips. Does he ever get time to spend with his family?"What ever little time I get, I spend time with my parents and my wife Viranica. I have very few friends and I meet them once a week. My life revolves around cinema and these few close pals.Since my wife Vinni is from New York, she likes her city a lot and so we visit the city once every year besides our regular travel for shooting and hence living out of suitcase" he explains.The star hogged the newsprint of tabloids for his ownership of Tollywood cricket team in CCL."Initially I was not in the race for buying the team. But as the destiny would have it, I owned the team.Earlier, I picked up stakes in ICL and then withdrew after a season. My wife Vinni suggested I take up CCL and I went ahead." the actor says flashing his dimple smile.
Article Involves:: Vishnuvardhan Babu Manchu , Manchu Manoj, Viranica