Srikanth’s 100th film under Krishna Vamsi’s direction is getting ready for release. This movie titled ‘Mahatma’ is being produced by CR Manohar under Golden Lion Films banner. The theatrical trailer was launched on Monday, the September 7th at Film Nagar Cultural Centre, Hyderabad. Srikanth, Krishna Vamsi, producer CR Manohar, Paruchuri Brothers, etc., were a few prominent persons in the event.
Addressing the gathering Srikanth said, “When I approached Krishna Vamsi to direct my 100th film, he said that he would definitely do but we have to wait for a good story. Paruchuri Brothers penned script for my 1st film and now again for my 100th film too. Today, I am very happy that my 100th film is being made with a strong subject and the title, ‘Mahatma’. Now to talk about the producer of this film, he is a politician as well as my good friend. The rapport between us has led to a quality film and I’m very confident about the film’s success”.
Krishna Vamsi while speaking, “I always direct a film with a purpose and for my self-satisfaction. I’ve directed 16 films so far, but this is the first time I’ve prepared a script for a hero with the support from Parachuri Brothers. Another important thing to be noted is that I got full support from the producer as well. That is one reason the film’s output is very good. We are planning to release the audio on September 19 and the film on October 2nd”.
Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao said, “When Krishna Vamsi told the storyline I was a little worried that it would turn into a documentary film. But this turned out to be an excellent film with violent hero turning into a non-violent person. This is the 1st time we have penned script for Krishna Vamsi’s film although we have acted in his films in the past. Like directors K Raghavendra Rao, B Gopal and Kodandarami Reddy, Krishna Vamsi too extracted from us to the maximum extent. ‘Mahatma’ will be a landmark in Srikanth’s career so as ‘Alluri Seetaramaraju’ for superstar Krishna, ‘Naa Desam’ for Late NTR and ‘Tagore’ for Chiranjeevi. We have penned script for Srikanth’s 1st film and now we got the opportunity in his 100th film. There is one lengthy dialogue on Mahatma Gandhiji which I am very sure will become popular and I am very confident about the film’s success too”.
“I am very happy to produce a film in Srikanth and Krishna Vamsi combination. I hope that this 100th film of Srikanth will run for 100 days successfully”, expressed producer CR Manohar.
Article Involves:: Srikanth, Krishna Panja, Paruchuri Brothers, C R Manohar