Even as Mani Ratnam and his wife Suhasini are busy with the Chennai International Film Festival, rumour mills are working overtime suggesting something or other about the ace director’s next film.Grapevine has it that the filmmaker, who took a reasonable break after working three years non-stop for ‘Villain’, is now ready for his new venture. And it is going to be a period film.“Mani has conceived a knot which is set in 15th century AD.
Massive sets will be erected in Kerala. The director is currently busy zeroing in on the cast and crew,” sources maintain.“As usual, Suhasini will help Mani and this movie too will be produced by the filmmaker’s production company Madras Talkies,” they say and add: “Since the budget would be heavy, a corporate house may also step in.”
Let us wait mani will give a hit or flop with this movie?
Article Involves:: Mani Rathnam, Suhasini