Nandamuri Balakrishna’s new film, ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ will see its grand launch on November 22nd at Ramakrishna Cine Studios, Hyderabad. As the title says, Bala Krishna is donning the role of Lord Rama in the film. He has earlier played the mythological characters in the films such as Abhimanyu in Dana Veera Sura Karna, Arjuna in Sri Krishna Vijayam, and Lord Krishna in Pandurangadu etc. Now, he picked up the role of Lord Rama.
Nayanthara will be seen as Sita.This mythological film will be directed by Bapu and the dialogues are penned by Mullapudi vekata Ramana. He is also handling the screenplay for the film. Music Maestro Illayaraja has already recorded 8 songs for the film and SP Balasubrahmaniam, Sreeram, Shreya Ghosal and Chitra has given their vocals for these numbers. Yelamanchali Saibabu is producing it under Sri Sai Baba Movies.
Article Involves:: Nandamuri BalaKrishna, Nayantara, Ilayaraja, S P Balasubrahmanyam, Yalamanchali Sai Babu, Shreya Ghoshal