The audio launching ceremony of ‘Village lo Vinayakudu’ featuring Krishnudu was held at Kalamandir House in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. The film is directed by Sai Kiran under Moonwater Pictures Pvt Ltd. Kala Mandir chief Kalyan, Yandamuri Veerendranath, Sai Kiran, Vanamali, Mahi and Manikanth Kadri are the few prominent guests in the audio function. The launch took place in a unique manner with each song being released by one journalist. The audio CDs were released by director Sai Kiran and the first copy of it was purchased for Rs 1,000/- by chief of Kala Mandir, Kalyan. Krishnudu said, “Like my earlier film ‘Vinayakudu’ which passed a good message to the audience, this film also has a message. I hope the audience will like the film.”
Yendamuri Veerendranath while speaking said, “I’ve seen the first version ‘Vinayakudu’ and liked it very much. Villagelo Vinayakudu is also a complete family entertainer with good music as extra flavour. It has a simple story and the characters in the film can be identified in day to day life. The shooting took place in my village Rajolu hence I agreed to do a role in this film. This movie also reminded me of Basu Battacharya because of its soothing music. It was he who created the song ‘Malli malli idhi raani roju’ in Chiranjeevi’s ‘Rakshasudu’ when the director showed his dissatisfaction with the song written earlier.”
Director Sai Kiran said, “We completed the film in 39 days. I am very happy to note that a great novelist like Yendamuri Veerendranath who refused to act in Chiranjeevi’s film in those days, has immediately agreed to do a role in our film. He would always encourage me during the making of the film. At the time of ‘Vinayakudu’ film we wanted to start a new production house called Moonwater Pictures. Now with the help of Madhura audio chief Sridhar, we are releasing this audio in the markets. I also thank my friend Mahi who lent his helping hand at the crucial time of audio market. To control the audio piracy we have fixed the cassette rate as Rs 10/- each and released 50,000 cassettes in the markets. I hope the music and the film will be liked by one and all.”
Music director Manikanth Kadri said, “I tried my best to provide music as per the director’s taste with the help of Vanamali garu who lent a tune for one song.” “All songs are well composed according to the needs and taste of the director. Manikanth Kadri’s music in ‘Avakai Biriyani’ was excellent. But unfortunately he was not identified because the film did not reach the audience properly. I am confident that this film will earn him good recognition”, opined Vanamali.
Article Involves:: Krishnudu