After Aparachitudu, she’s playing the role of an orthodox Tamil-speaking Brahman girl in her Bollywood debut. How does it feel? “Well, more than the role, it’s a great relief to dub your own lines,” says the actress, who relied on borrowed voices for her south films. Unlike her screen character who waits patiently for her flirtatious lover to return to her in her new B-town film, Sada firmly points out that if she had a boyfriend like that, in real life, “I’d have just dumped him,” she says. There’s a reason behind her angst against polygamous men in real life. She says, “I think every man is a compulsive flirt. Some show off their flirtatious tendencies when they are young, others suppress it. But given a choice, they will all like to flirt with women.
Article Involves:: Sada