Pawan Kalyan’s Teenmaar audio was launched on a grand scale last night amidst of huge mega fans.The cast and crew of the film Pawan Kalyan, Trisha, Kriti Kharbanda, music director Mani Sharma and director Jayanth, Ali, producer Ganesh Babu participated in the event while the prominent celebrities Allu Aravind, Nagendra Babu, Botsa Sathyanarayana, Jhansi, Shyam Prasad Reddy, Konda Krishnam Raju, Shobanadri and D V V Danayya. Percussionist Shivamani entertained the audience with his wonderful performance which remained as the highlight of the event. Botsa Jhansi has unveiled the first copy of CD and handed it to Pawan Kalyan.
Producer of the film Ganesh Babu gave an emotional speech on the event thanking Pawan Kalyan and Botsa Satyanarayana who encouraged him all the way and in becoming a producer.Speaking about Pawan Kalyan, he said, “Pawan Kalyan is like an addiction.Once we make friendship with him,we can’t be able to forget him.I can't live without talking to him for a single day and I will remain big fan to him until my death.”Trisha has spoke in Telugu thanking Pawan Kalyan, Jayant, and Producer Ganesh and hoped that the film will become a huge hit.
Later Pawan Kalyan said, “I have done Teenmaar for the purpose of entertaining my fans. As soon as I thought of remaking it, I thought of Jayant as director and forced Trivikram to pen the script. Also Ganesh Babu who produced this film is a dear friend of mine since 'Suswagatham'.I wanted to do something for him since a long time and hence decided to act in a movie produced by him.”“Mani Sharma gave memorable music to my earlier films Kushi and Gudumba Shankar and so we chose him,”added the Power Star.
Article Involves:: Pawan Kalyan, Trisha, Kriti Kharbanda, Mani Sharma, Jayant C Paranji, Ali, Ganesh Babu, Allu Aravind, Nagendra Babu, M Shyam Prasad Reddy, Konda Krishnam Raju, D V V Danayya, Trivikram Srinivas