Hot actress, Priyamani who is busy from quiet some days with Gopichand’s ‘Golimaar’ and Mani Ratnam’s ‘Raavan’ is now taking a break and staying off the camera.Priyamani says “I’m currently dubbing for the Telugu version of Raavan, after which I’ll be off to Hyderabad to dub for Puri Jagannath’s Golimaar. Later, I have to shoot for a solo song in Eno Ontara, a Kannada film.”
Talking about her future projects the actress says, “I’m currently looking at some scripts in several languages. I’ll decide on my next film soon.”So, What’s cooking ? “Oh, yeah! I’m cooking some spicy dishes,” replies Priya.
Article Involves:: Priyamani, Gopichand, Mani Rathnam, Puri Jagannadh