The dubbed version of Kodi Ramakrishna's Arundhathi is slated for a release in Malayalam on the 26th of March. The film, which was released in January 2009 in Telugu, was a run-away hit. Produced by Shyam Prasad Reddy, the film was later dubbed into Tamil, where it did decent business.Now, after more than 15 months after the release of the original version, the dubbed version is set to release in God's Own Country, Kerala. The film has excellent employment of graphics and other spectacular techniques.
The visual effects were scripted and executed by a team led by Rahul Nambiar. The film invariably received Nandis, but could not impress upon the panellists of National Film Awards, where it was expected to bag an award.Produced by Mallemala Enterainments, it was directed by veteran Kodi Ramakrishna, known for his unique visual extravaganzas like 'Ammoru', 'Devatha' and 'Devi Putrudu'.
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood won much critical appreciation for his portrayal of a lecherous ghost lusting after 'Arundhathi'.
Article Involves:: Kodi Ramakrishna, M Shyam Prasad Reddy, Rahul Nambiyar , Sonu Sood