Mahesh Babu, dressed casually in a neat black shirt and blue jeans, revealed his posters of his latest endorsement of ‘Provogue’ at Hyderabad on 29th September 2010. Being the face of ‘Provogue’ in Andhra Pradesh, Mahesh Babu will promote Provogue products through print and visual media. Provogue on the other hand, is a leading Pan Indian Premier Clothing brand that gives high importance to style and fashion.
While Mahesh Babu is a next generation star with loads of style and high dressing sensibilities, Provogue as a brand is innovative, super high quality and their association would be an ideal agreement to promote each other.
Mahehs Babu was excited to be part of the event and thanked Provogue for choosing him as the brand ambassador in Andhra Pradesh. He said he’s looking forward to an exciting journey ahead with the brand!
Article Involves:: Mahesh Babu