The 'Josh' star, who is currently doing a film with Gautham Menon as the director, is paired opposite Tanya. The film is titled Natho Raa... . Though the film was launched even before the release of Nag's debut film Josh, the title has not been confirmed. The makers have finalized on a title and released it to the media.
The film has music by maestro AR Rahman and this will be its unique selling proposition in the initial stages. Not to sneak out a single detail about the film, the makers turn reluctant to discuss about the subject. However, it is clear that the young actor is playing a powerful role and it will see loads of action from his part. Krishnudu, the 'Villagelo Vinayakudu' actor, is playing the role of hero's friend in the movie.
If the film becomes a hit, the Raa.. trend is likely to take off again. Remember the many films named ending with Raa... some years ago?
Article Involves:: Gautham Menon , Tanya, A R Rahman, Krishnudu