Dil Raju, the lucky producer of Tollywood has come out with a novel way to promote his latest movie starring Yuva Samrat Nagarjuna. Dil Raju has called for a naming contest for Nag’s latest bilingual movie that is directed by ‘Aksasamantha’ director Radha Mohan. May be the producers are unable to decide a title by themselves, they have asked the audience to decide the title! Currently the names that are put forth by the makers of the movie are ‘Gaganam’, ‘Wanted’ and ‘Payanam’, (that has already been decided as the title for Tamil version).
Audiences and fans can choose from the titles above and email their choice to nagmovietitle@gmail.com. The title with maximum emails will be chosen as the film’s name. As for the progress of the movie, the post production activities are being carried out in a steady pace. Based on a hijack story, Nag will be seen as a commando loaded with guns and ammunition.
Article Involves:: Dil Raju, Akkineni Nagarjuna, Radha mohan
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