Hero Siddharth’s latest forthcoming bilingual film which is titled as ‘180’ both in Tamil and Telugu has held a meeting at Hotel Taj Deccan, Hyderabad. The film is being directed by Jayendra, an avid ad film maker and is being produced by Kiran. The event was attended by Siddharth, heroines Nitya Menon, Priya Anand. While speaking about the film, director Jayendra said “It is a complete romantic entertainer. The story would unfold in Hyderabad and would proceed to the US. It is a city-based love story. We are doing it simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil with the same title. The regular shoot of the film has already commenced.”
Hero Siddarth said “There are several reasons for my doing this film. I knew Jayendra since my childhood and I grew up right in front of him. He is our family friend and as my godfather he is solely responsible for what I am today. For the first time, I dubbed for one of his commercial ads in nine languages and that time I was just nine years old. So far, Jayendra has completed more than 500 commercial ads.”
“It was me who prompted him to turn into a film director. After making his script ready, he gave it to me for a final say. After going through it, I just wanted him to do it with me as hero. He was stunned, but it is true. At present, films like Vedam and Prasthanam are making waves in the industry. I too want to do such a film. This script really comes under that genre. Apart from the regular features which the audiences wish to see in my films, the film would tread the path of a ‘Vedam’ and ‘Prasthanam’. Now, I got the variety in my film, for which I always vied. I hope this film would entertain both Telugu and Tamil audiences,” he said.
Actress Priya Anand said “This is my first love story. It is my privilege to act with Siddarth. I am thrilled that the film is going to be shot in the US.” The film has music by Sarath, cinematography by KT Balasubramanian and lyrics by Vanamali.The other supporting actors include Mouli, Ravi Prakash, Janaki Sabesh, Misha Goshal and others.
Article Involves:: Siddharth, P Jayendra, M D Kiran Reddy, Nitya Menon, Priya Anand, K T Balasubramanyem , Vanamali