Manchu Manoj's Bindaas's producers have announced that their film is receiving huge response from the audience, where ever it has been released in the state and the US. Encouraged by the response, AK Entertainments is planning to release more prints and add more theaters.
The film is directed by Veeru Potla, a first-time director. The story-writer has written dialogue as well as screenplay. The film has seen the biggest release of any of the previous Manoj films and was released with 100 prints.
In some days, it will release in California and the Los Angeles, as per a press release from the banner. Bindaas' tag line, "this is not a love story, but a story of love" has generated some attention.
Comedy and underplayed sentimental scenes are the film's crux. Though not universally liked, the film has managed to draw the audiences during the weekend.Let's see if it keeps up the momentum.
Article Involves:: Manchu Manoj, Veeru Potla
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