Sexy Actress Kajal has every reason to express her anguish on the Men's Magazine FHM, which allegedly morphed her pictures. Reportedly, the Mumbai based men's magazine have used the fake topless pics of Kajal, to gain some cheap publicity.Actually, Kajal has done a photo shoot for the FHM magazine recently. But the topless pic on the cover of FHM, which is the talk of the town since couple of days was a fabricated one, which eventually tarnished the image of the actress. The makers of the reputed magazine have stooped to a new low by indulging in such cheap tricks.
According to the sources, Kajal is very upset over the issue. She is now planning to take legal action against magazine and also wants to stop the issue from hitting the stores."We were receiving a lot of calls from friends, relatives and well wishers after the topless pic hit the web. Everyone were shocked to see such thing. We ended up explaining to them that it's a morphed pic. I knew that, Kajal didn't even dreamt of doing such thing. All these have damaged Kajal's image. How can be such reputed magazine be such unprofessional?," said Nisha Agarwal, Kajal's sister.After looking at her topless pic, people have thought that Kajal had done the bold photo shoot in a desperate attempt to bag Bollywood offers. Now, she is paying the price even though she is innocent. Poor Kajal!
Article Involves:: Kajal Agarwal, Nisha Agarwal
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