Under the banner of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions, Nenu Naa Rakshasi is said to be an action-packed love story where the “Bukka Reddy” Abhimanyu Singh plays the lead negative role in the film. The lead pair of the film is Rana & Ileana and the film is slated to be released in first week of March.The first half of the film is shot in Europe, Bangkok, Hyderabad and the later half is shot in Thailand. Nenu Naa Rakshasi will define Abhimanyu Singh’s grey character. Abhimanyu & Rana were completely at ease in the natural looking bouts and fist fights that are fast paced and both the actors are menacingly at their best. Rana plays a killer and a romantic in this action packed love story while Ileana is cast in a role that has loads of allure.
Abhimanyu Singh commented on the role saying “As an actor, I constantly try and do roles that are unconventional but at the same time it should be appealing for the viewer to watch it.I accept a role depending on the nature of it and how it transforms me as an actor; the genres are not of importance.The role in this film is negative but it has a touch of humor attached to it which is the most appealing part.” Puri Jagannath, Director of the film says: “Audience will witness a good entertainer with ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’.The hero calls his lady ‘Rakshasi’ and the heroine enjoys it. The story is distinct film from other love stories.”
Article Involves:: Abhimanyu Singh, Rana Daggubati , Ileana, Puri Jagannadh
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