Dusky beauty Bipasa Basu was in Hyderabad on Thursday to promote her next Hindi film 'Dum Maro Dum'. Bipasa is starring with Daggubati Rana in this movie.She addressed the media conference with Rana and the movie's director Rohan Sippy at a star hotel in the city.Rana, Rohan and Bipasa launched the T-shirt and tea mug with the logo of the movie on it at the press conference.Bipasa remined that she acted with Mahesh Babu in the movie 'Takkari Donga' and Rana is the second Telugu hero she is acting with.She was all praise for Rana and said that he is a handsome guy."Rana is a handsome guy and a talented actor. He speaks very good Hindi.
In this movie Dum Maro Dum which is a story basd out of Goa,there is no concept of hero and heroine.All the charecters have equal importance and it was enjoyable experience working for it" she claimed.The movie stars Abhishek Bachchan, Pratiek Babbar, Govind Namdev and Aditya Pancholi apart from Rana and Bipasa.The movie launched its audio in the cricket stadium in the midst of a world cup cricket match at Nagpur recently.The film will release on April 22nd. Rana informed that he had signed this movie even before 'Leader' and is happy that his second release is a Hindi film."I agreed to do this film even before I signed 'Leader'. I thank the director Rohan for giving me a chance to act in this picture.There will be three stories in this film and mine is one of them.Abhishek and Bipasa were very friendly and it was lovable experience shooting for this movie" Rana said.
Article Involves:: Bipasha Basu, Daggubati Rana, Mahesh Babu, Abhishek Bachchan
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