Unlike any other director in the Tollywood, SS Rajamouli had a separate identity and recognition. Almost all the films directed by him were commercial successes.Though a sentiment prevails in the Telugu film industry that the heroes who work with Rajamouli will face flops for their immediate next films, Rajamouli remains unperturbed because none of the directors would match him and give an equal or above success to the director.It is not a blot on Rajamouli but that sentiment proves the stamina of the director. His recent film ‘Magadheera’ rewrote the records of the Telugu film industry in many ways in terms of making and business.His next film with a comedian turned hero is also a commercial success.Now, Rajamouli announced his forthcoming project with Prabhas and the film even before going to sets earns a socio-fantasy talk that it would surpass the range of ‘Magadheera’ given the budget (Rs 60 crores) the producers are going to invest.Let us expect other directors too join this race.
Article Involves:: S S Rajamouli, Prabhas
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