The debut production of Creative Commericials was launched in Hyderabad with Boyapati Srinu wielding the megaphone and A One Star NT Rama Rao and Shruti Haasan playing the lead roles.VV Vinayak performed the puja and handed over the script to the director. K Raghavendra Rao gave the clap and presenter of the film KS Rama Rao switched on the camera for the muhurat shot picturised on the lead pair.Several film personalities including Sreenu Vaitla, Meher Ramesh, Surender Reddy, Dr KL Narayana, Kodali Nani, BVSN Prasad, Bapineedu and Ganesh Babu attended the event.
Speaking on the occasion, NTR says, ‘With three hits in a row, Boyapati Srinu was proved a successful director for himself and I have decided to work with him soon after Simha and even announced the same during the audio release function. My wish was fulfilled today with the launch of the film.’Replying to the compliments director Boyapati Srinu says, ‘I work hard for every film and I hope that I will reach the expectations of everyone who were wishing my next success. We are planning our first schedule from April 1 which will continue till 16. ’Alexander Vallabhaneni is producing the film. Story and dialogues are by M Rathnam, camera is by Sameer Reddy, music is by Keeravani, editing is by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao, art is by Ananda Sai and action is by Ram-Lakshman.
Article Involves:: Boyapati Srinu, N T Rama Rao jr, Shruthi Haasan, V V Vinayak, K Raghavendra Rao, K S Rama Rao, Sreenu Vaitla, Meher Ramesh, Surender Reddy, K L Narayana, Kodali Nani, B V S N Prasad, Bapineedu, Ganesh Babu, Alexander Vallabhaneni, M Rathnam, Sameer Reddy, M M Keeravani, Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao, B Anand Sai, Ram (Ram-Lakshman), Lakshman (Ram-Lakshman)
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