Rumours spread in a few gossip websites that Nagarjuna's younger son Akhil is debuting as hero with S S Rajamouli as the director. With this, he was flooded with calls, messages and tweets on twitter with questions enquiring the authenticity of the 'gossip'. Akhil rubbished the rumours and declared that he is not doing any film right now.Sources tell that Akhil who is in his 12th standard now, is planning to go to California to pursue his acting course for the next four years.
He has already sent his application and is awaiting reply from the universities like University of South California.Though he is a good cricketer, he was smitten with love for cinema thanks to his family full of actors and hence decided to follow them. He is believed to have told his father that once he is back from US with a degree in acting, theatre and drama, he will debut as a star."Guys, I am not doing any movie right now. Wherever you got this news from is false" he tweeted about the gossip on him doing a film with Rajamouli.
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nagarjuna, Akhil Akkineni, S S Rajamouli
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