Mirapakai director Harish Shankar is a clever guy who looks into each and every angle of his actors before finalizing the final star cast. One such peculiar thing happened for this film which is all set to take the screens in next two days. The issue is related to two spicy heroines Deeksha Seth and Richa Gangopadhyay .
Harish is known to have noticed Richa first at the success party of ‘Leader’ and finding that she is an NRI confirmed the role of a modern trendy girl Vyshali in the movie. Later on when Harish started to interact closely with Richa, he was convinced that Richa suits perfectly to the major heroine role of Vinamra, a sweet traditional Brahmin girl and the role of Vyshali is passed on to Deeksha Seth. This is how Harish interchanged his two hot babes.
Article Involves:: Harish Shankar, Deeksha Seth, Richa Gangopadhyay
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