The audio of ‘Ragada’ directed by Veeru Potla and produced by D Sivaprasada Reddy on the banner of Kamakshi Enterprises with Nagarjuna, Anushka and Priyamani in the lead was launched amidst the fans at the Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad.Almost all the members of Akkineni family, including Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Nagarjuna, Naga Chaitanya, Akhil, Sumanth and Sushanth, besides hundreds of fans attended the function.
Akkineni unveiled the audio CD andhanded over the first piece to Nagarjuna.Speaking on the occasion, Nagarjuna says, ‘My fans feel proud of Ragada. Thaman scored tunes that has a mass beat and it would definitely attract all classes of audiences. I sincerely appeal the government to take stern action against video and audio piracy and safe the Telugu film industry. Veeru did an excellent job and strived hard to bring out a sure hit film.’Director Veeru Potla says, ‘I am happy to announce that I was able to complete the film in just four months because of the perfect planning of the producer.
I am a big fan of Nagarjuna and I am very happy for directing him. It is really a dream come true for me.’Thaman also expressed his happiness for doing a film with Nag. Anushka complimented Nagarjuna saying, ‘I was watching Nag for the past five years and he is becoming young year after year.’Priyamani says, ‘I accepted the film even without listening to the script or character as I just wanted to share screen with Nagarjuna.’ Charmi says, ‘I shook legs with Nagarjuna for one song and I wish the film to be a big hit.
’Akkineni Nageswara Rao recalled Ghantasala Balaramayya, with whom he worked few years ago. He expressed his happiness that Thaman, the grandson of Balaramayya, rose to the level of scoring music for his son’s film.’Naga Chaitanya thanked Thaman for scoring fantastic tunes for his father’s film, while Kajal Agarwal says, ‘I am waiting for an opportunity to play opposite Nagarjuna.
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nagarjuna, Anushka, Priyamani, Veeru Potla, Thaman, D Siva Prasad Reddy, Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Naga Chaitanya, Akhil, Sumanth, Sushanth, Charmi, Kajal Agarwal
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