It is known that Jr.NTR’s new film with Surender Reddy is on cards from quite some time. Now, the latest news is that the film has been launched today at Annapurna Studios. The movie was launched with a formal pooja and NTR himself clapped the board for the initial shot of the film, while V.V.Vinayak switched on the camera, SS.Rajamouli directed it.This is the second flick in the combination of Surender Reddy and NTR, the first one being Ashok. Tamanna is playing NTR’s lady love in the film.
B.V.S.N.Prasad of Chatrapati fame is producing the film under the banner Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra. The movie has cinematography by Rasool Ellore, dialogues by Koratala Siva, music by Devi Sri Prasad and story by Vakantam Vamsi.The regular shooting of the film will commence from the month of December as per the reports and ‘Athade Aame Sainyam’ is the title under consideration.Other prominent casts of the film include Prakash Raj, Kick Shyam, Ali, Jaya Prakash reddy and others.
Article Involves:: N T Rama Rao jr, Tamanna, Surender Reddy, B V S N Prasad, Rasool Ellore, Koratalla Siva, Devisri Prasad, Vakkantham Vamsi, Prakash Raj, Ali, Shaam, Jayaprakash Reddy
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