Young and handsome hero Varun Sandesh’s new movie, produced by Radha Mohan is being completed in a fast pace. The producer informs that 70% of the movie is done. The new movie being presented by A Ramakrishna for Sri Sathya Sai Arts who’ve made ‘Adhinetha’ with Jagapathi Babu before, is fast completing according to its producer Radha Mohan. This is infact production number 2 for the producer who is very confident that the movie will be a hit.
Directed by Sampath Nandhi, it is learnt that the talkie portion will be completed by August 15th. Speaking to the press, producer K Radha Mohan informed that the most of the movie is shot in and around Hyderabad in areas like Begumpet, Miyapur, Banjara Hills, Shameerpet, etc. From August 16th, songs for the movie will be shot.
The producer added that they were contemplating three titles for the movie. With Varun Sandesh as the hero and Kajal’s sister Nisha Agarwal as heroine, Shashank, Nisha Shah, Vennela Kishore, MS Narayana, Krishna Bhagwan and others act in supporting roles. The movie’s music is composed by Chakri and camera is handled by Bujji.
Article Involves:: Varun Sandesh, K K Radha Mohan , A Ramakrishna, Jagapathi Babu, Sampath Nandi, Nisha Agarwal, Shashank, Nisha Shah, Vennela Kishore, M S Narayana, Krishna Bhagawan, Bujji, Chakri
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