Currently in its second schedule of shooting in Hyderabad, Dr.Rajasekhar’s new movie ‘Maa Annaya Bangaram’ will fly to Switzerland next month to shoot songs in snow filled mountains. Starring Kamalini Mukherjee as heroine, ‘Maa Annaya Bangaram’ is produced by Visakha Talkies and directed by Jonnalagadda Srinu. According to the director, the movie’s second schedule had started on the 14th of this Month. A few talkie parts and action scenes are being shot now involving the lead pair, Ahuthi Prasad, Aasish Vidyarthi and others.
An exclusive set of a house has been erected for the movie. The director adds that ‘Maa Annaya Bangaram’ is a family movie that will be enjoyed by every section of the audience. The movie tries to convey the importance of joint family to the youth. Dr.Rajasekhar’s character will be highly admired as he is the brother with a ‘golden’ heart! As for the next schedule of shooting, the film’s unit will start from May 24th and continue till 15th June. Besides shooting the songs in Switzerland during this period, a song in Chennai will also be shot!
Article Involves:: Rajasekhar , Kamalini Mukherji, Jonnalagadda Srinivasa Rao, Ahuti Prasad, Ashish Vidyarthi
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