It is known that Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Komaram Puli’ is currently under going its post-production activities and the film-makers will shoot the remaining three songs in the film from 25th, April. The latest buzz in the tollywood is that the distribution rights of Guntur, Nellore and Vizag districts of the film were sold out at a record price that is the highest price ever offered before its audio launch of the film. However, the price was not revealed yet.
According to the sources, the audio launch event is also supposed to be one of the biggest events in tollywood. S J Surya apart from directing also said to have made a role in the film.
Cast: Pawan Kalyan, Nikisha Patel, Manoj Bajpai, Nazar, Charan Raj, Ali, Brahmaji, Hanisha, Sridhar Rao, Dilip, Chitram Sreenu, Rajesh, Rama Rao, Master Bharat, Saranya, Kovai Sarala, Alapati Lakshmi, Jyothi Lakshmi.
Crew: Cinematography: Binod K Pradan, Music: A R Rahman ,Art:Anand Sai , Editing: Prabhakaran, Make-up: Siva, Costumes: Siva-Khadhar, Fights: Vijayan, Tinu Varma , Songs: Chandra Bose, Production Executives: Rambabu, Satyam, Chowdary, Stills: G Narayana Rao, Co-director: Sippy, Co-Presenter: S Satyarama Murthy, Producer: Singanamala Ramesh;, Story, screenplay & direction: S J Suryah.
Article Involves:: Pawan Kalyan, S J Surya, Singanamala Rameshbabu, A R Rahman, Binod Pradhan, Nikesha Patel, Manoj Bajpai, Charan Raj, Nasser, Jyothi Krishna, Saranya, Brahmaji , Ali, Girish Karnad
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