Producer Ekta Kapoor of Balaji Telefilms will soon be making a bio-pic on tragic life and death of Silk Smitha was a popular actress in Telugu and Tamil cinema 15 years back. Silk Smitha although have done many character roles in films, she has become popular with her item numbers and was labelled as sex bomb of South cinema. However, the actress saw a tragic death.Now, there is a buzz in the industry that Vidya Balan will be playing the Silk Smitha’s character and the movie is said to be titled as ‘The Dirty Picture’ and the film is said to be directed by bollywood director, Milan Luthria
Speaking on this producer Ekta Kapoor says, “I’ve been waiting for almost two years for the script to be ready. Now my writer Rajat Arora has finally put the finishing touches to the story of a woman who defied all conventions to become a sensation in the south but eventually committed suicide. This will be my most exhilarating and powerful production ever. It’s about women’s empowerment and the loneliness behind stardom.”
Vidya Balan says, “Yes, Milan Luthria has approached me. But it’s too early to speak about it at the moment.” Director Milan Luthria says, “I was bowled over when I read the script. The story has everything; it’s a mirror of our times. Silk Smitha was a cult figure in her times. She spawned so many imitations, including Nylex Nalini and Disco Shanti.”
Article Involves:: Silk Smitha, Disco Shanti
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