The Telugu film industry Thursday withdrew its shutdown call to protest against piracy and producer Yalamanchi Ravichand also called off his fast-unto-death after the Andhra Pradesh government assured that it would take steps to deal firmly with the issue.
The Movie Artists’ Association (MAA) president Muralimohan told reporters that there would be no ‘bandh’ on Friday as the industry was satisfied with the assurance given by Minister for Cinematography Geeta Reddy.The industry had Wednesday announced that all activities related to the film industry would come to a halt for one day on Friday to press the demand for anti-piracy measures.
MAA had also appealed to owners of all theatres in the state to participate in the shut down.The minister assured the industry that the government would bring a legislation to curb piracy. She said video libraries would be issued licenses after screening them.The minister assured the industry that a special anti-piracy cell would be formed.
According to the Telugu film industry, the second biggest after Bollywood, piracy was causing a loss of over Rs.2 billion (Rs.200 crore) every year.Meanwhile, Ravichand also ended his fast following the government’s assurance. He was on fast for the last four days to demand the government bring piracy under the purview of the Goonda Act.Actor-turned-politician Chiranjeevi, and several actors and producers had expressed solidarity with him.
Article Involves:: Murali Mohan, Chiranjeevi
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