Thursday, February 18, 2010

A year on, what about Arundhathi's remake? - News

It has been a year since the news that Arundhathi will be remade in Hindi broke out. However, it has been a long time since we last heard anything about the film. It may be remembered that around the same time in February 2009, it was reported that the Hindi version will be casting a top heroine in the role of Arundhathi.The film has not only not seen materialisation in the year that has gone by, but it also seems that it will not in the near future.
The initial talk of a big production house wanting to produce the film and a front-line actress doing the role have not seen any progress.That it is not easy to remake it as easily is very clear, because it needs not just loads of money, but also talent that can execute (director and other technical team) and play act (heroine and apparition's role).

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