Akkineni Nageswara Rao has revealed that he broke his leg during the shooting of the Suvarna Sundari, which coincided with that of the legendary 'Maya Bazaar'. He said that the shooting of the latter had to be stalled for a period of 4 months, which considered a long period in 1957, as the actor was unable to work.
Reminiscing the old days, he said that it remained a secret all along that he was unable to use his leg freely for almost ten years. He said that he never let it out and was saying it now on the occasion of the colour version's release.
In Mayabazaar, ANR had to act in a trying scene, which needed physical strain. As he was unable to do it, the makers decided to postpone the shooting for a period of 4 months.
Fondly recalling the greatness of those associated with the film, ANR made this confession. He said that he had faced difficulty due to the accident.
Article Involves:: Akkineni Nageswara Rao
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