Star comedian Brahmanandam is 53 and has completed his quarter century of being in film. The actor, who debuted as Satthi Govindam in Aha Na Pellanta, went to act in more than 800 films so far. In his initial years, he turned Jandhyala's blue-eyed boy and was encouraged a lot by the likes of Chiranjeevi. He is one comedian who has who has never seemed routine, majorly because be it as a scapegoat or playing a high-handed elder or even a comic romantic, he never follows the beaten track.
Thus, from an 'aragundu,' he has grown into hero's best friend in later years, only to be enriched by roles like that of Khan Dada in films like RGV's Money. From spouting lines like 'Khan tho games adoddu, shaltilu lechipotayi,' 'pen anukunnava, gunnu' to the English lines he speaks these days, Brahmi has been a treat to watch.
His roles in films like Vinodham, where he evokes laughter without even speaking a line, bear a testimony to his incredible talent. Directors like Jandhyala and EVV gave a great fillip to him, so also SV Krishna Reddy, K Vijaya Bhaskar and Sreenu Vaitla, now. When his comedy threatened to seem routine, he acted in two most rib-tickling roles in the films Manmathudu and Venky.
His role of a 'lover boy' in Pokiri explored a new dimension. He has not only found a place in the Guinness Book, but has been given the National honour of Padma Shri a year back. At 53, he is going great. IndiaGlitz wishes him a very happy birthday.
Article Involves:: Brahmanandam , Chiranjeevi, S V Krishna Reddy, , Sreenu Vaitla
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