Varun Sandesh’s film Maro Charitra, starring Anitha and Shraddha Das, has wrapped up its shooting. The film is produced by Dil Raju, under his home production banner Sri Venkateswara Creations. Directed by Ravi Yadav, the film is a remake of K Balachandar’s masterpiece with the same title, released many decades ago.
Varun Sandesh said that the film has been made in a way that it will be liked by the new generation youths. Speaking to the media, Mr. Raju said that they have remade the film without destroying the soul of the original script. The film deals with the status love occupies in the lives of the youths in the present cultural set-up.The climax will be anew, said the producer.
Shot in Hyderabad and Vizag, it has also been shot in countries like Canada and Dubai. Dialogue writer Umarji Anuradha said that she took the first opportunity as a challenge. Saying that it was a Herculean task for her to work on a story like this, she thanked the producer for reposing faith in her.
Anitha, the film’s heroine is a Telugu girl, who was brought up in the US. Shraddha Das said that she was playing a “performance-oriented” character in the film.Mickey J Meyer is the music director, who has lent a worthy one according to the producer. The music will be launched in February 14 and movie will release in March.
Article Involves:: Varun Sandesh, Anitha (I), Shraddha Das, Dil Raju, Ravi Yadav , Umarji Anuradha, Mickey J. Meyer
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