Ram Gopal Varma's blood-soaked saga of Raktha Charitra's, based on the life of Paritala Ravi, a TDP politico and naxalite at one point of his life, is creating waves even before its release. Least did we imagine that RGV views it as the most significant project of his life! (It's not Ram) The maverick, who hails from Andhra Pradesh, thought it fit to alter the way he makes films and understands life, with Raktha Charitra. A legend that has blood on it, RC is the perfect subject for this exciting talent to reinvent himself.
And we believe that his resuscitation is imminent. In a letter to the media, he explained what went behind composing the script of Raktha.. . "I became a journalist. I became a detective. I became a psychologist," he writes. In his drive to hear the "narratives and experiences" of the former acolytes of Paritala and his beet noire Suri (who is alleged to have conspired the former's assassination and who is currently incarcerated), he was able to detachedly take stock of the real motives and factors behind events that happened in Ravi's life.
To the question whether Raktha... is a real story, RGV says yes. RGV sensationally claims that the film is going to redefine not just his career, but is going to bring newness to his life. The kind of research he has undertaken, which helped him gain a definite perspective of many issues, for this movie, has altered his ideas.
Raktha Charitra will also be special, according to Varma, for coming up with detailed characters that are caught in the torrent because of the people they meet, the events that behold them and the situations they are buffeted by. It's going to be refreshing, because of its subject matter and premise, is what RGV believes and proclaims. We will, he predicts, start talking about pre-Raktha RGV and post-Raktha RGV.
Raktha Charitra Movie Photo Gallery
Article Involves:: Ram Gopal Varma
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